Bfit - Fitness by Brenna

Should You Go Organic?

“Dirty Dozen” Pesticide Offenders


Published in an article in the Price Pottinger Nutrition Foundation Journal (1) these are the top 12 “worst offenders” in the world of pesticide spraying.  When faced with a choice to spend extra money on organic groceries, these are the priority.  Generally, thinner skin vegetables and fruits, skin that may be eaten or vegetable greens that have no skin are those that you want to purchase organic.  These produce choices tend to retain the most pesticide (think grapes, spinach and berries).  Vegetables and fruits with thick skin that is not consumed are ones on which you can save money and purchase conventional (e.g., bananas and oranges).


Buy Organic!


1.  Peaches

2.  Apples

3.  Bell Peppers

4.  Celery

5.  Cherries

6.  Nectarines

7.  Strawberries

8.  Kale

9.  Lettuce

10.  Imported Grapes

11.  Carrots

12.  Pears


“Clean 15” = Conventional Okay


1.  Onion

2.  Avocado

3.  Sweet Corn (but make sure it’s not genetically modified!)

4.  Pineapple

5.  Mango

6.  Asparagus

7.  Sweet Peas

8.  Kiwi

9.  Cabbage

10.  Eggplant

11.  Papaya

12.  Watermelon

13.  Broccoli

14.  Tomato

15.  Sweet Potato



1.  Where to Spend on Organic and Where to Save.  Price-Pottinger Journal 2009:  Vol. 33, No. 3.  P. 14.


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